Saturday, 15 October 2011

Indian Summer

The first of October created a new record here in the UK; the hottest October day since records began: 29.9C at Gravesend and the plants, especially the roses, have responded to this unexpected summer heat.  Alongside this the shrubs and trees have continued to change colour and lose their leaves so everything looks and feels a little bizarre in the garden.

sunny Shropshire!
 I'll start with a couple of photos of a flower carpet rose that's been in the garden for two years.  These roses are fantastic providing lovely flowers from June until the first frosts and sometimes beyond.  They are incredibly healthy and robust and require very little attention other than an annual prune in mid to late spring - I cut them with shears back to six inches (yes, six inches) from the ground, then feed and leave alone for the remainder of the season.  The are relatively low growing, about two feet high, but spread and provide good ground cover.  I have three at the moment: flower carpet pink, white and coral (in photos) and intend to add more of the range over the next few seasons.

Following on from the roses is lavatera. What can I say other than still flowering!

Sedums always bring a burst of colour, and butterflies, to the late summer and autumn borders and this year is no different.  I keep promising that I'll increase my stock of these great plants but never seem to get around to it and they are so easy to propagate from early spring divisions - definitely next year!

sedum telephium autumn joy

sedum erythrostictum frosty morn
And finally for a real bit of autumn colour amongst, what I've just noticed, is a predominantly pink selection.  These are the stunning autumnal leaves of hememelis x intermedia Diane.  This shrub bears tiny flowers in late winter on bare stems and then somewhat ordinary green leaves through the spring and summer but for me it's the autumn colour that wins it its place in our garden - what do you think?

So, another roundup for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day completed.  Why not go over to May Dreams Garden to see some more delightful October gardens.


Anonymous said...

You're so right about witch hazels! Of course they are beautiful while blooming, but their fall colours are equally stunning.

Nell Jean said...

Autumn is stunning at your place.

Carolyn @ Carolyn's Shade Gardens said...

The witchhazel leaves are so beautiful. Happy GBBD.

Unknown said...


beautiful autumn colors, thanks for sharing

HolleyGarden said...

Very pretty blooms. I love flower carpet roses. They are so easy. I should have cut mine hard like you! Mine are getting a bit too tall. Love your lavatera, too. Enjoy the warm weather!

Town Mouse said...

Roses and lavender are such a perfect combination. And while the colors haven't turned in my garden, I certainly agree that they're beautiful in yours.

Happy bloom day!

scottweberpdx said...

Beautiful post, that Witch Hazel is AMAZING!

Susan@Holly Grove said...

Thank you all for your kind comments. I really enjoy GBBD visiting gardens around the world; though it's a bit daunting displaying my own garden to the world!

Les said...

I think the witchhazel earns its keep in both the fall for its foliage and for blooming in the winter. Anything that blooms in the winter earns points in my book.