Saturday, 20 June 2015

Through the Kitchen Window

Over recent times the views of the garden I've seen most often have been the walk to and from the car and from the kitchen window.  

On route to the car I don't really appreciate the whole view but rather find myself looking down at the detail of work that needs to be done or particular plants in bloom.  I've noticed that my posts mostly reflect these detailed views of individual plants and borders, seldom views across parts of the garden.  However, standing by the kitchen sink, I find I'm forced to see the bigger picture.

the bigger picture
The kitchen is at the back of the house and has a view of the Goat House (the cream coloured building), the Washhouse and original Privy buildings with the amazing roofs constructed by the Handyman.  From a planting perspective, the pot garden extends all along the back wall of the house facing east (and around the north side too since last year) and glimpses can be seen in the forefront of the view.  To the left of the window is one of the woodland borders and steps up to the main lawn.

hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane' in the pot garden
Then there is the back lawn and shrubs; in flower at this time of the year I can see our inherited rhododendron and climbing rose and the spirea and the single spire of a lupin (more to follow hopefully).

shrubs and lupin
 As you can imagine, the view of the plants changes with the seasons, and the impact on the buildings of the different colours and seasonal light is notable.  It's a view I never tire of, which is just as well as I spend a lot of time in the kitchen and at the sink!

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