Spring must be on its way as I have ventured out into the garden for a few hours over the past couple of days; granted this foray was prompted by Thursday's unseasonal temperature of 17C and the appearance of that big yellow ball in the sky!
pale lemon primula |
As usual when I make this first attempt of the year at gardening I have conflicting emotions; firstly, what a lot needs to be done and secondly, what joy to be out in the fresh air. The first can have the effect of making me turn around and head back indoors, defeated by the task, but it's the second that keeps me out there, that and the promise of the difference a few hours gardening can make both to the garden and to my state of mind.
dolly mixtures |
So this Spring I resolve to focus on what I have achieved after each gardening session rather than what is yet to be done, as there will always be something!
Yesterday I managed to weed and cut back two of the perennial borders and one raised bed in the kitchen garden. In the process I made room for some lovely, bright primula; I love the dolly mixture colours of these little plants. Being down amongst the borders I was able to appreciate up close the spring bulbs that have already made an appearance; miniature iris, snowdrops and the occasional narcissus.
miniature iris |
This morning I've fortified myself by a glimpse back at photos from previous Springs and Summers to remind me of the end game: a productive and pretty plot in which to sit and enjoy all my labours.
crocus almost in bloom |
So what are you waiting for Susan? Get out there and continue to make a difference!