When we first moved here over three years ago there was a selection of outbuildings opposite the back of the house, christened 'the shantie town' by the Handyman. It was a real jumble of corregated iron and wood shacks together with the original outhouse and a concrete block building that had been built to house goats kept by a previous owner of Holly Grove.
Over the time we've been here the Handyman has removed some of these shacks and has plans to renovate the original outhouse. The old Goat House is the largest and most substantial of the buildings and has been used by us as a workshop, this was to become the biggest and most complex of the Handyman's projects to date.
The work began last August when we designed the party patio and incorporated the proposed pitched roof of the Goat House renovation into the patio design. The photos below show the two beams that will support the end of the pitched roof, the end of Goat House can be seen that will support the outside fire and chimney.

On completion of the party patio the focus shifted through the winter months to creating a workshop for the Handyman in a small barn on the other side of the garden. When the building was ready it took several weeks to relocate all the tools etc.
So as Spring arrived it was time to start work on the pitched roof. Roofing is not a job that the Handyman has tackled before, but he likes a challenge! So with some advice from his brother C, the Handyman set off. Unfortunately due to an accident and some broken bones the project was put on hold for 8 weeks or so...
Following confirmation that his bones were healing well, the project continued...below are a couple of photos of the beginnings of the handcut roof, each piece cut and put in place by the Handyman. there was much deliberation over the angle of pitch and the inclusion of hips on each end of the building - we find ourselves looking at the shapes and sizes of local roofs and deliberating on the aesthetics of each.

The next stages were to apply the felt and then the battens for the tiling. I spent a lot of time feeling very anxious as I watched the Handyman climbing up the scaffolding and across the roof - all this just 16 weeks after breaking two bones in his leg!

I've ventured up onto the scaffolding at various stages, though I found the experience somewhat daunting (I don't do heights very well).

Oh the poor handyman who broke his 2 leg bones! Though I'm glad he recovered so fast! He did a wonderful job re-roofing your garden studio. Hopefully, I can soon start my own home renovation with the aid of a home contractor. Leads that I have been getting about the best contractors are mostly through recommendations from friends.
By the way, the view across your garden is indeed amazing!
Well done, Handyman!
Handyman is brave, alright! In spite of his injury, he didn’t back down from the challenge and finished the roof successfully. Reroofing is a project that many wouldn’t want to do because of the time, effort, and money needed to be spent. I hope to see the projects he has done over the years!
Putting up the roof is no petty task. The help you got is much needed. And the fact that you put in a lot of time and effort to learn the things around re-roofing is a talent. And because of that, you have a good looking roof. Good job!
Pleasance Faast
I can see a job well done here, Susan! Your new roof looks so gorgeous now, and I just couldn't believe that you guys didn't know much about re-roofing when you started. I totally admire that you took your time to learn all that you need to accomplish this project perfectly. Good job! Noreen Saint
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