It's been my morning reading for the past week. Carol takes the mystery out of plant production, but not the magic. Written with enthusiam and passion for her subject, it quickly becomes infectious. I find myself wandering the garden looking out for suitable candidates for trying out the various techniques. I'm going to start by capturing seeds for sowing.

Some plants showing signs of developing seeds at HG are pulsatilla, with its fluffy seedheads, geranium Rozanne, aquilegia and a small geum. The aquilegia will happily selfseed all over the border which makes it ideal for an amateur as, hopefully, seeds sown and nurtured will take off easily.

I have taken divisions from geraniums previously with success but I've never tried growing from seed.
The book is full of other techniques that I'd like to try over the coming weeks and months. Updates to follow on what I learn from my attempts.
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