Saturday, 14 May 2011

Gardening Day Out

I'm off to the Malvern Spring Show today to meet with my good friend, C.  We've been meeting at the Malvern Autumn show over the past few years and have been very fortunate with the September weather and had lovely days sharing each other's company.  C lives in Devon and I in Shropshire, so it's a good venue for us.

This is our first foray to the Spring Show and the weather forecast isn't great, 14C and showers, so instead of the summer dress, sandals and a straw hat I was planning on wearing it's back to jeans, sensible shoes and a warmish jacket, with, of course, the ubiquitious umbrella.

I'm sure we'll have a great day out, as we can wander through the marquees during the showers and the show gardens when the sun come out (fingers crossed); but best of all we get to spend the day together and catch up over lunch - oh, and there's always the prospect of some new plants for the garden!

I'll post an update on the show (hopefully with some nice photos) tomorrow.

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