It's early Autumn but with this late burst of sunshine and rising temperatures it still feels like Summer. Time to turn my thoughts to Spring flowers and particularly bulbs. It's the ideal time to buy bulbs whilst there are plenty in the shops to choose from - make sure that they are firm to the touch.
Last year I planted around 500 daffodil and narcissi bulbs outside the gates on the lane verges and in the woodland border. I also put in about 50 English bluebell bulbs - they are rather expensive and good naturalisers, so they should bulk up well over time.
This year I'll add more narcissi, bluebells and snowdrops...but which ones?

We're going to continue to spread daffodils along the lane verges, they were so lovely last year. So time to get out the fork and spade, lift some turf, plant some bulbs, replace the turf and look forward to the Spring display - fingers crossed!

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